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About Your Therapist

Philip Waine

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Choosing the right therapist or counsellor to help you on your journey is crucial for the success of a therapeutic relationship.  Here you can find out a little bit more about me before we meet to find out if we would be a ‘good fit’.


My name is Philip Waine and I am based in a village in Hertfordshire, where I live with my wife. Besides family life, I am heavily involved in my local community, helping to organise various events throughout the year and always doing so with the most positive outlook on life. 


I have extensive experience in listening, counselling, mentoring and encouraging adults, professionals and young people and families, working systemically in a pluralistic way. I am committed to working with those who are struggling with a range of challenging life issues, (i.e anxiety and depression and stress-related), empowering my clients to move forward with a fresh perspective on their lives. To date, I have carried out over 1,400 hours of supervised clinical work.

Personal Reference

“Philip Waine is a seasoned professional with outstanding counselling and therapeutic skills that he has developed through the right mix of dedicated client engagements and academic accreditation. I have known Philip personally for over 40 years and seen his robust and empathetic commitment to all those he works with – both voluntarily and in contracted services - and his open handed non-discriminatory approach comes from an open hearted wisdom that seeks solutions and gives people the latitude to develop their lives to maturity and freedom. ”

- Lord Dr Hastings of Scarisbrick CBE


Postgraduate certificate

Tavistock and Portman, London NHS - University of East London

Systemic approaches to working with individuals, families and organisations (D4). 





MA Integrative Psychotherapy


Middlesex University


Models of therapy studied: Integrative Psychotherapy, Contemporary Cognitive Approaches, Schema Therapy and Narrative Therapy, Addictions and Family Therapy (Systems of Relationship).





BA (Hons) Theology and Counselling

Middlesex University


The counselling element of the BA is accredited by the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy).


Models of Therapy included; Integrative Person-Centred CBT and Family Therapy.






Recent CPD’s:


September 2021 - Webinar: Moving Through & Being Moved By.


January 2021 - Webinar: The Hungry Ghost, Gabor Mate.   


January 2020 - Single session therapy with Prof. Windy Dryden.   


March 2019 - Complex Trauma, Disassociation & Flashbacks.   


November 2017 - Trauma Focussed CBT for PTSD (2 days).     

Career To Date

2019 - Present: Occasional pro bono work at ‘Oxygen’ connected to Drug Link in Hemel Hempstead.


2017 - Present: Private counselling practice.


2016 - July 2021: During a break in counselling in 2015, I worked for a local police force, advising the public on scams, fraud, cyber-crime and encouraging cooperation with Neighbourhood Watch.


2011 - August 2015: Therapist and Systemic Practitioner at Kids Company, Kilburn, London NW10, a charity for disadvantaged children, known for its self-referral key-worker  model. Children were assessed and assigned a key-worker and counsellor, who supported their needs. The charity was spread over four street-centres  and in partnership with 31 schools across London.  


2007 - 2010: During my time at university, I organised a counselling placement for myself at a large church in Chalfont St. Peter, Bucks.


2007 - 2009: Counsellor at New Hope in Watford.  I counselled staff at the charity which helps homeless, addicts and alcoholics.


2003 - 2006: Conference Organiser, ISAAC, (Institute of Substance Abuse and Addiction Coalition) in Reading, which is an international charity tackling the problem of substance misuse and addiction for which I organised and led a global conference in Cairo.



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